Sunday, September 03, 2006

You guys should know by now, my words are written and they are always supported.

Islandrat, I have worked in tandem with El Defenzor on the right wing radio station you speak of, to expose the underworking networks, the undue influence, abuse of power and I can continue on and on......

The first thing one should know is whether it be an Extreme Right Wing Station or an Extreme Left Wing Station or a middle range station spilling over a little bit left and a little bit right, the broadcast is about bringing ratings (listeners) and generally grabbing a sound byte, locking onto it and reitterating in support of the stations' or it's "disclaimed" position on the issue. Anything the host can skew so as to feel in control, he will. Bob Jones and Gifford have a mute button while John Kelley just hangs up.

At least Vicente will allow the caller to make their point, he doesn't interrupt, he listens and then he responds. He always says thank you and he can dish it out but he can take it as well. He is the only Host I can say this for.

It doesn't matter which station we were on; the positions and the message has remained multilateral. We dont discriminate but the soapbox we employ will always try to use it's position to progress their own message. Remember the Debates? The Republicans were all for it for their own selfish reasons but it was well worth it for Nueces County. We put a lot of people in check with that drive. Now, the Powerful realize there will be a day of reckoning.

Ohhhh yep Communist sure.

If you want to split hairs, SPTX is the party affiliation. The Comrades swear their allegiance to the SPUSA. Now, is this something,... is this the direction that the Nueces Democratic Party is about? If this is true then why has John Kelly been sugar coating the SPTX as "Progressive Democrat"? Why did he not just say WATT it really is? A "Socialist Party Democrat".

Comrade Kelley has entered South Texas under a guise and remained under a guise. He has befriended many a soul in South Texas while conspiring and strategizing integrally with the SPTX to exploit the summized vulnerabilities; so as to recruit with subtlety South Texas Democrats and primarily the 27th Congressional District Democrats.

We did not pull this out of thin air.

As we did not pull out of thin air the Loyd Neal Expose or the Bertucci melt down or the Greg Abbott, WIA, Ed Byrne Grant revelations.

You guys should know by now, my words are written and they are always supported.

Is there someone who will dispute WATT I represent above?

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